Legacy is a Saga 43. She is 43 feet on deck and about 46 feet overall
including the bow platform. Her masthead is just over 70 feet off the water, which
means we check the heights of bridges carefully before passing under them!
Legacy is also fairly narrow for a boat of her length, being just 12 feet at her
widest point. With a bluff bow (it is nearly straight up and down) she has
a normal waterline length of 39 1/2 feet and a heeled waterline length of 41
feet. Her long waterline and narrow beam give her good performance in
waves and lumpy seas. Because she is narrow, she is a bit tender (that is,
she heels quickly in the wind).
As with most boats that travel far, we have made lots of small changes to
Legacy to make her just the way we want. In particular we have worked to
maximize storage by adding more opening hatches to access space below the sole
(floor) and behind various panels. We have also added bookshelves to hold
both large books like guides and small paperbacks.
Legacy was built by Saga in the fall of 1999 and was delivered to
Seattle on Christmas Eve, 1999. Saga Yachts is located in St. Kathe rine's,
Ontario, Canada. (Just over the border from Buffalo, NY, and near
Niagara Falls.) Since she was built for us we were able to have some
custom features, the most significant of which was the installation of a
water-tight bulkhead and a workshop in place of the standard forward
head. The workshop forward gives us room to store the spinnaker and
other sails, tools and spare parts, and provides a bench with a vice for
making minor repairs.
Since taking delivery of Legacy we have continued to modify and improve her.
Details of many of these projects can be found on the
Customization page.