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During our travels we have occasionally spent enough time in a single
location to learn information useful to others. This page has links to
useful information that we have gathered about places we have traveled.
Caution - this information is provided
without warranty as to its accuracy. As always, use all your senses
and any navigational information available to you and make your own judgment
as to safe navigation.
- Tenacatita and
Barra de Navidad
GPS locations for rocks and reefs in the area of Tenacatita Bay, waypoints
and route for Barra Lagoon entry, amended survey of the Barra Lagoon and
fuel dock appoach, directory of services as of spring 2006. Street
map of Barra de Navidad. Nobeltec import files.
- Ensenada Carrizal (North end Santiago Bay near Manzanillo, MX)
A chartlet of Ensenada Carrizal showing the results of our depth survey of
the anchorage at the head of the bay.
- San Blas Islands, Panama
When we were in Panama we found the
charts (electronic and traditional) of the San Blas archipelago to be
basically useless. On the other hand, the chartlets printed in the
Bauhaus guide were right on and very detailed. We found a free-ware
navigation application,
SeaClear II, that would allow us to scan paper
charts and then use these digitized charts on our PC including showing
our boat's position from GPS information available on our PC. Although
navigation in the San Blas is still largely eyeball navigation, having a
gps position on a reliable electronic chart was very useful to the us
and increased our comfort significantly. You should buy the Bauhaus
guide to Panama and digitize the charts as we did.
If you can
convince me that you have bought the guide, I will send you the
digitized charts I made.