Legacy Sailing |
Gallery 30 |
- May 2005
La Paz to Loreto, Baja California Sur, MX |
picking up my mother, Joan, in La Paz and spending a few days touristing
we headed north up the inside of the Baja Peninsula.Our first stop was
on Isla Partida about 20 miles outside of La Paz. We stayed one
night in a small anchorage called El Cardoncita but found the swell from
the coromel winds uncomfortable so moved a mile or so up the island to
Ensenada Grande which we found much more comfortable. In both
locations the water was beautifully clear and inviting.
We next headed for Isla San Francisco and an anchorage called 'the
hook,' but found it too crowded for comfortable anchoring so continued on
another 8 miles to the small village of San Evaristo which has a nice
small bay with a couple of anchorages. We initially stayed at the
south end of the main anchorage for protection from the southerlies and
westerlies and then moved to Entrance Bay for protection from northerlies
when the wind returned to that more normal direction. Before long
all the boats in San Evaristo had moved into that anchorage too. One
evening we had a dessert party for the 13 people off the 6 boats.
When the predicted strong northerlies failed to appear most of us
headed north. We ended up anchoring behind the point at Punta San Telmo and found it to be a nice anchorage with good protection from the
north and west. Sunbreak joined us there and the dogs enjoyed
traveling to the beach together. (Photo Leslie Sanguinetti)
After one night at San Telmo we headed another 20 miles north to the
beautiful bay at Agua Verde. We anchored in the east bight since
there were only a couple of boats there, but by the next day we had 8
boats crammed in. We enjoyed several days in the bay visiting the
village and other cruisers. When we headed out we stopped at
Honeymoon Cove on Isla Danzante before heading into Puerto Escondido for
Loretofest. Loretofest is a fundraiser by the local yacht club for their
charitable works in the area. We met lots of old and new friends and
enjoyed the activities. Sadly we had to leave Joan off at the
airport to return to Boston. :-( We rented a van with Sunbreak so we
four adults and four dogs could travel together and toured the local area.
We made the trip out to San Javier high in the mountains to see the
mission church there, and spent time resupplying and touring in Loreto
itself. |
waters of Partida are a beautiful aquamarine color and VERY clear.
Great swimming as the girlz demonstrate. (J.
Stockard photo) |
anchored in a beautiful spot like Ensenada Grande the work never really
ends. Solar panels don't take much work, but they do benefit from
cleaning. (J. Stockard photo) |
because we are away from town doesn't mean we don't eat well. Lamb
grills for fajitas. (J. Stockard photo) |
we were anchored in San Evaristo a pangureo came by and traded us a
cabrillo filleted for batteries. His son rode along with him. |
all went ashore to see the village. The dirt road connected the two
parts of town. This dog joined us on the beach and followed us all
along our walk staying just out of range of the girlz. |
landscape behind the bay is sere and covered with spiny vegetation like
these example from the roadside. |
always the girlz attract kids. As we passed the school the kids came
to meet them. We made a print and took school supplies back the next
day.. |
the saddle in the road is the rest of Evaristo. Salt pans for drying
sea salt and a grove of palms and lush growth shelter several homes and a
tienda. |
only well constructed building in town is this desalinization plant
supplying fresh water. |
fans of Gene Kira's book King of the Moon, this is the town
soccer field. We saw no battles to the death however! |
miles north we stopped at Punta San Telmo. Manuel came by offering
langostino, but failed to deliver that night :-(
(J. Stockard photo) |
girlz and the boyz all rode together to the beach so we only had to launch
one dinghy. Here Minnow, Rocky, Skipper and Kira look forward to the
rocky landing. |
on Quest sent us a nice bucket of clams which Heather turned into pasta
sauce. (J. Stockard photo) |
pangeros shared our anchorage. In the early morn they headed out to
(J. Stockard photo) |
skipper always keeps a good eye out on surrounding traffic and landmarks.
motorsails along the mountainous coast between Punta San Telmo and Agua
Verde. |
always watches out for Heather or Chris whenever they leave the boat.
This is one of the best pictures of her anyone has taken.
(J. Stockard photo) |
at the community of Agua Verde are many animals, including a herd of goats
proudly owned by one of the locals. His corral is right off the
(J. Stockard photo) |
of his new kids entertained Joan, Heather and Leslie until it ran back to
hide with mom. (J. Stockard photo) |
evening in Agua Verde a couple of cruisers invited everyone to the beach
for potluck appetizers. A crowd of about 30 boaters showed up.
(J. Stockard photo) |
dogs were also in attendance, but bring tied to a dingy (to stay out of
the food) is really boring and requires hole digging.
(J. Stockard photo) |
two enterprising pangeros saw the crowd and arrived ready to sell lobster,
scallops, and sea cucumber. Leslie buys!
(J. Stockard photo) |
same evening we were treated to a beautiful sunset. Each boat seemed
to have viewers on deck.
(J. Stockard photo) |
leaving Agua Verde we stopped at Honeymoon Cove on Isla Danzante.
Joan enjoyed kayaking in the clear waters.
(J. Stockard photo) |
the harbor at Puerto Escondido the API building and the tents set up for
Loretofest were seen in front of the Sierra Gigante.
(J. Stockard photo) |
on sharp oyster shells inflicted numerous cuts on Kira's feet so she had
them cleaned and wears socks to keep them clean.
(J. Stockard photo) |
the Saturday evening Loretofest spaghetti dinner the local Folklorico
group performed traditional dances from several Mexican states.
(J. Stockard photo) |
dancers had great fun and gave a spirited performance much appreciated by
the cruisers in attendance.
(J. Stockard photo) |
rented a van with Sunbreak so digs and all could tour a bit. Heading
for the mission at San Javier we chanced upon an oasis with prehistoric
pictographs. |
the very arid surroundings a small stream flowed at the bottom of the
arroyo. The water fed a thriving community of grasses, palms and
other green plants. |
also spotted many wild geraniums growing in crack in the rocks. |
along the road one can look back through the canyon we ascended past
Loreto and out onto the Sea of Cortez. |
mission at San Javier was one of the earliest, established in 1697.
It was relocated out of the cropland and this building was built starting
in 1744 of local stone. |
long stone paved plaza leads to the front of the mission. The rear
backs up to the orchards and fields. From the back the bell tower
and graveyard wall are striking. |
of the doorways and all of the windows of the mission are unique.
The water in the arroyo supported fruit, onion, and other crops. (Current
onion production is 400 tons!) |
church is long, narrow, and tall with graceful arches leading to the alter
at the front. |
ceiling is figured with mortar stars and patterns that still show traces
of colored paint. |
alter and statue of San Javier were transported from Mexico City by ship
and burro in the 1700s. Spectacular! |